About US
We are a group of country swing dancers who have a passion for seeing our community grow, and we have a passion for kids. Within our team, we have decades of experience working with youth, including youth leadership and teaching.
In our community, there are not a lot of junior dancers, and there are not a lot of things for kids to do on the weekends. We want to bridge that gap. We host a Friday and Saturday night dance class and fun night for youth 18 and under.
We also offer memberships for individuals and instructors for all access to dance 24/7 outside of the youth dance nights.
What We Do
Youth Nights 18 and Under
We want to provide something positive Friday and Saturday nights for youth in our area. We teach dance with games and fun. It's not an adult class, so it is more structured around games and activities that are mixed in with dance.
Individual Memberships
Have you ever wanted a space to go and just work on your dance but you don't have the space? We provide a 24/7 space for members with different tiers of membership all for a very low cost. Great for people working on competitions, dance troops, and just for fun.
Instructor Memberships
We do not teach private lessons or lessons to adults, but we do provide a space for instructors that need one for a place to teach their lessons. We provide a tiered structure for instructors as well.