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Code of Conduct

Dance Studio Code of Conduct

Welcome to Dance Now! To ensure a safe, clean, and positive environment for all participants, we ask that every member and guest adhere to the following Code of Conduct. By using our facilities, you agree to follow these rules to maintain the studio as a place of learning, growth, and respect.

1. Respectful Behavior

  • Respect for Others: Treat fellow dancers, instructors, and staff with kindness and respect at all times. Bullying, harassment, or intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated.

  • No Disrespectful Language: Use of offensive, obscene, or disrespectful language (including slurs, threats, or aggressive remarks) is prohibited. This applies to all members, guests, and staff.

  • Respect for Instructors: Follow the instructions and guidance of instructors during classes or rehearsals. Disruptive behavior during classes will not be tolerated.

2. Studio Hours and Sleeping Policy

  • 24/7 Access: Members have access to the studio 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, sleeping or staying overnight in the studio is strictly prohibited. The studio is for dancing and related activities only. First offense is a 25 dollar fine, and second is suspension. 

3. Cleanliness and Studio Maintenance

  • Pick Up After Yourself: All members are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the studio. After using any space or equipment, please clean up your area, discard any trash, and return items to their designated places.

  • No Food or Drink on Dance Floors: To maintain the safety and cleanliness of the studio, food and drinks are not permitted on the dance floors. Water bottles should be kept in designated areas or personal bags. Please feel free to eat and drink around the floor, but not on the floor.

  • Use of Studio Equipment: Treat all studio equipment, including mirrors, barres, sound systems, and props, with care. Report any damage or malfunction immediately to the studio staff. Misuse or intentional damage may result in loss of privileges.

    • First come use on studio speakers: If there are no classes, events, or socails then the studio speakers are available. Be respectful of the equipment and the others around. Try and come to a consensus of music. 

4. Personal Responsibility and Safety

  • Personal Belongings: Members are responsible for their personal items. Dance Now is not liable for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings. Please store items in designated cubbies or lockers.

  • Safety First: Always warm up before dancing to prevent injury, and use caution while practicing new techniques. If you are unsure about an exercise or movement, ask an instructor for guidance. Report any injuries or unsafe conditions to the staff immediately.

  • No Dangerous or Inappropriate Behavior: Acts that endanger the safety of others, such as running, horseplay, or roughhousing, are prohibited in the studio.

    • NO LIFTS unless planned in an event/social and supervised/ other waiver signed and cleared by staff

    • Mirrors are glass. You understand that you are responsible to be safe around these mirrors

5. Dress Code

  • Appropriate Attire: Members are expected to wear appropriate dance attire during classes, including proper footwear for the type of dance being practiced. No street shoes are allowed on the dance floors to prevent damage.

    • For kids: No belly shirts, no shorts or skirts above mid-thigh

  • Hygiene: To ensure a pleasant environment for all, please maintain good personal hygiene and use deodorant, especially when using shared spaces.

6. Respecting Shared Spaces

  • Be Mindful of Others: When using common areas like the lobby, dance floor, or practice spaces, be courteous of others. Keep noise levels to a minimum, especially if classes are in session. If you are dancing and others are as well make sure you keep your music to a respectable volume. 

  • Shared Equipment: If studio equipment such as sound systems, mats, or props are shared, please take turns and clean them after use to maintain hygiene and readiness for the next user.

7. Visitor and Guest Policy

  • Guests: All visitors or guests must check in. They must 1- sign the waiver (if waiver is not signed then member takes on all liability) AND 2- pay 10 dollars if member doesn’t have the Student + membership. 3- Members are responsible for ensuring their guests adhere to this Code of Conduct. Non-compliance by guests may result in the suspension of the member’s privileges.

  • No Unauthorized Classes or Events: Only authorized instructors that have paid for their freelancer membership may teach classes in the studio. Do not host classes, events, or gatherings without prior approval from studio management.

8. Disciplinary Action

Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in the following disciplinary actions:

  • Verbal or written warnings.

  • Temporary suspension of studio privileges.

  • Permanent expulsion from the studio, depending on the severity of the violation.

 9. Pick up on time

This is not a daycare facility, if you leave your kids alone you are implying they are responsible. Pick up time is when class ends. There is a 5 minute grace period and then a dollar a minute will be charged after that.


By using Dance Now's facilities, I agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and understand that failure to do so may result in disciplinary action or loss of membership privileges.

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